

Welcome to Just for the Kids – California. This website is one of the services provided by Just for the Kids – California and The California Business for Education Excellence Foundation, non-profit organizations whose missions are to raise academic achievement and close achievement gaps in California public schools.

As policymakers search for information to help them develop sound education policies, they need access to bottom-line performance results and research about what works. JFTK-CA is designed to assist educators, parents, corporate partners and policy makers to discover the best practices of high performing public schools and to replicate those practices in all schools in California.

JFTK-CA provides a clear, unbiased look at how our public schools are performing, which schools are excelling, and how to recreate this excellence in other schools. JFTK-CA collects and analyzes the California Standards Test, California High School Exit Exam and California State University Early Assessment Program achievement data and presents it in an easy to understand format. Every school in the state is measured and compared to schools with similar student populations.

JFTK-CA uses this data analysis to identify schools that consistently demonstrate high performance on student academic achievement and closing achievement gaps. Once identified, a team of researchers studies the “Best Practices” of these high performing schools. These findings and additional resources are available to all schools through the JFTK-CA website and through the Legislator Portal on the CBEE website.

JFTK-CA strives to be an invaluable resource for policy makers. We hope the information provided on our website will assist them in designing accountability and support systems, determining the impact of past policies and monitoring the effectiveness of new initiatives. Please contact us if you need additional information or assistance.

All trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners.
School and District data provided by the California Department of Education and JFTK-CA volunteer districts.
All other content copyright Just for the Kids – California 2008-2023.

Please email for questions or comments regarding the site.

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